The most common property inspection is the valuation and most familiar,to the property buyer is the mortgage valuation. This is instructed by the lender and is to assist them in their lending process to confirm the suitability for mortgage. This is designed to assist the lender in their purchase.
Condition Reports
The Condition Report is the entry level survey with less reporting than a HomeBuyer and does not include a valuation. The Condition Report enables the purchaser to allow for essential works, and seek further advice where necessary. It is often used by owners on their own property.
HomeBuyer, Home Purchase Reports
The HomeBuyer Report is a standardised report to provide you key information on the condition of property as judged against value. The Home Buyer Report is a signpost report flagging up any issues for further investigation and is ideal for smaller, more modern properties.
Building Surveys
The Building Survey is a detailed inspection to enable a comprehensive report on any issues to consider. The report can be tailored to your requirements and specifically addresses any concerns you may have. The Building Survey is the most detailed survey offered under the conventional survey system. it was not originally intended to include a valuation but this can be provided.